Lilith: The Babylonian Demoness (Exploring The Legend of Lilith) Part 1 ForYouTube

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Few characters from Mesopotamia and Biblical apocrypha have captivated an audience the same was Lilith has. Some see her has a demonic predator, others see her as a tragic victim. In this series, we aim to dissect Lilith throughout history as we dive into her Mesopotamian origins, her demonic role in the bible and where she fit in Jewish legend as the first wife of Adam.

0:00 Intro
1:38 Sponsor
4:14 Lilith

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Artwork/Illustrations by
Karlo Lottersberger (
J.N Bass (

Animation by
Hoang Animation

Music by

Graham Plowman:​​​
Derek/Brandon Fietcher:​​​

#Lilith #Demons

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  1. I use Lilith in my comic book universe. I look at her as the first woman that came even before Adam. I also she her as superior to adam and she is not entirely human but looks human. That is the direction I am going as well also she is of divine blood.

  2. When will approach the end of the world, the man of sin will attempt a supreme effort against God and His Christ. Michael, the champion of the rights of God of Heaven, will rise again, and will defend the servants of Christ, overthrowing the seducer from his throne and kill him. This is the teaching of the of the doctors. They teach us, by the witness of Saint Gregory, that the Archangel Saint Michael will be the celestial envoy who will kill the Anti-Christ. It is written, it’s true, that the Lord Jesus will kill the Anti-Christ by a breath of His mouth; but the commentators understood by these words a command given by the Christ to His Archangel: Saint Michael will act as His minister, as a ray of His glory. πŸ™‚ M

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