Ninurta: The God of War (Mesopotamian Mythology Explained) ForYouTube

Considered once to be a peaceful, agricultural god, Ninurta was dramatically repurposed and equipped with both dangerous weapons and deadly characteristics.

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Artwork/Illustrations by
Karlo Lottersberger (
Aranzazu Fernandez (
Douglas Deri (

Music by

Graham Plowman:​​​
Derek/Brandon Fietcher:​​​

#Ninurta #Mesopotamia

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  1. David said in Psalm 144, “Happy are the people whose God is the Lord.” Sometimes when we look at our circumstances, there’s nothing to be happy about. We're fighting cancer, going through a pandemic, having trouble at work. There’s nothing good about that. But the reason we can be happy is our God is on the throne. He controls the universe. He’s our provider, He’s our healer, He’s our vindicator, He’s our way-maker. We can be happy that the most powerful force in the universe is on our side. We can be happy that what was meant for harm He’s turning to our advantage. We can be happy that He promised to work out His plan for our life. Thanks for reading this comment, I hope you are blessed and uplifted by it. We are a new and growing channel, your support and blessings is much appreciated. Thanks and God bless you. Amen

  2. Think about it. His Mother is Ninmah his Father is Enlil. Of course he is god of War and a Doctor basically. These aren’t myths these are actual characters in time. Ninurta is Yahweh/Jahovah as is his Father.

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