The Southern Television hijacking was a television intrusion incident that occurred on 26 November 1977, at 5:10 p.m. The hijack managed to override the UHF audio signal transmitted by the Hannington transmitter, while distorting the UHF video signal that was transmitting ITN News with news reporter Andrew Gardner.
The pirate broadcast involved an individual claiming to be a representative of an “Intergalactic Association”, warning viewers to be at peace with each other, and to remove all “weapons of evil”. According to several initial reports, the transcript involved “Asteron” briefly warning viewers that only have a short time to either live in peace, or end up leaving the galaxy.
Original Archive Narration by WR Hobbs
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I just started to read a 1992 book called The Crystal Stair A Guide to the Ascension yesterday, it is channeled material by Sananda (Jesus) with Ashtar, Archangel Michael, and St. Germain. just a conscience?