Enoch gets a change of pace in today’s instalment of the Book of Enoch, but will more answers only lead to more questions?
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Artwork/Illustrations by
Douglas Deri (artstation.com/douglasderi)
Karlo Lottersberger (artstation.com/karlottersberger)
Animation by
Michael Merc (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoBn…)
Music by
Graham Plowman: http://www.grahamplowman.com
Derek/Brandon Fietcher: https://bit.ly/3e8gJw7
#BookofEnoch #Enoch #Archangels
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It would make much more sense if the tree were the Tree of Life. If sin isn't supposed to exist in eternal life, why would he feed people the fruit of knowledge, and not the fruit that grants everlasting life?
coco plums