This is the 2021 Week 38 Torah portion – Behaalotecha – with related studies from the Prophets and New Testament.
This week’s study page:
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I think I'd rather not grumble if Yah gave me a task to do, or get through. That way I'd most likely be able to stick that brisket in the lion's mouth without any problems (😂 haha) as you mentioned brother Jake.. Great analogy..You totally put a smile on my face ear to ear.😂🤣😁👍 Thanks brother.
🙏💞Happy blessed Shabbat Shalom everyone 👋😊
I can’t find for what it’s worth , I was subscribed at one time , anyone have a link ?
Blessed 😇 Sabbath ❤️🙏
"A Religion that is Pure and Stainless according to GOD the FATHER is this: to Take Care of Orphans and Widows who are Suffering, and Keep Oneself Unstained by the World." (James 1:27 ISV)
Shalom Everybody!
from Ohio
Happy B ,SKIBA, you missed June by a few days…is your whole family in July like our WHOLE FAMILY??? ,is in June, I get razzed because mine is on summer solstice…don't know what the big deal is besides freaks doing weird sh…stuff around Stonehenge, etc. Anyway Happy, happy .shalom.
@Rob Skiba Rob, You might want to look at this video from the early 2000s. Considering some of the topics in the news…. and things in the SKY…. WHEN you can see them. Regards… gary
"Virgin Mary speaks of Nibiru (Planet X) Emmitsburg Apparitions"