Midnight Ride: Satan’s Quest for the NAME- The Oath of the Watchers ForYouTube

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David Carrico and Jon Pounders

The Book of Enoch speaks of a group of Watchers who defiled themselves and made an oath of power, all they needed was the SACRED NAME.
This is part of our Book of Enoch video commentary.

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  1. I've been listening to you guys for a while I was raised Roman Catholic always felt something off about it… I married a minister son a more unholy group I've never come across, it was an abusive experience.. I've felt God calling me back I'm so grateful for your teachings of the truth of his word, I want to be baptized, would you please tell me where you are located? God has recently blessed me with the means to travel and I truly wish to visit/attend the Puritan Barn. I would love to be baptized by you… praise be to God he put you in my path to show me the truth and light of his glory. I'll keep you in my prayers that you'll continue to be able to do the great work of spreading the word of God! Blessings be on you David Carrico!! Thank you Pounder keep up the great work!

  2. you two are Mr Twisters to quote you both… they also use all THEIR VOCABULARY ALSO!


    How to know when ourselves, or others around you have unclean spirits (whisperers) Romans 1:29.

    And how to remove them.

    There are 6 distinctive signs, and 8 distinctive symptoms to watch out for in order:-

    1. No love for ALL people. (EVERYONE) (1 John 4:20) (1 John 2:10-11) (John 15:12).

    2. Not following the 10 Commandments (Law) and equally become very frustrated, along with showing contempt or a disdain, when advised that they have to follow the (Law). They also feel led to attack another body (person) rather than destroy an argument or idea with Logic and Love. (John 15:10) (Matthew 6:24) (1 John 2:4) (Matthew 5:19) (Matthew 5:17) (2 Peter 3:14-17) (Matthew 5:18) (Acts 24:13) (Luke 16:17) (1 Timothy 1:8) (Romans 13:1) (Romans 7:12) (Romans 7:7) (1 John 3:4) (Isaiah 33:22) (James 2:10).

    3. Their vocabulary consists of the following 8 words that allow them to endlessly continue to drive you like a parasite does, by making false promises of change along with irrational arguing, debating in circles using said words. (Matthew 5:37) think of it like an 8 on its side ∞ (infinity) endless loop.

    Their vocabulary consists of the following words:-

    If = presupposes you may or may not.

    But = negates anything said in front of it and is reserved for goats and sitting on.

    Maybe = presupposes you may not.

    Would = infers guilt

    Should = infers guilt

    Could = attempting to take kudos for an imaginary story explained as the best way.

    Don't = encourages your listener to focus on the opposite thing to what you’d like them to do or think of.

    Try = isn’t doing anything, and your whisperers take it to be a green light to fail and continue in a behaviour.

    4. Self harm, and Addictions such as (Porn, Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Eating disorders), Suicide, Depression. Gender disorders, Sexual abuse, Sexual immorality, Violence, Various pains and discomforts throughout the body. (Matthew 6:21)

    5. Claiming Jesus is God, that once you are saved you are free to sin and always saved, we ARE sinners not we WERE sinners, That other prophets are above God the father, SUNday worship. Claiming Christmas honours Jesus. Using multiples of names instead of the true name Jesus Christ, such as (Yahusha) (Yeshua) (Isa). Instead of calling the father Father or Lord, they use (Yahuah) (Jehovah) (Allah)

    6. Oppression, Isolation, or domination. Satan restrains, and hides in secret along with keeping people in bondage. God never restrains he only sets us free with free will.

    They speak in YOUR VOICE (as a thought), It is like a constant tickle when they want something, they get louder and more persistant. They love nothing more than debate (hence the words given), or saying contemptuous or hurtful comments. They argue very similarly to that of a small child. They keep raising an already answered question or point over and over again. They have no body (disembodied spirit), they are completely discontented without one. in the event that they have no human to embody, they will prefer to be in an animal, having no body at all is torture and torment for them. They drive a body the same way a parasite does without the host ever knowing it is heading to its own destruction.

    They are assigned 2 primary onjectives from Satan:-

    No.1 is to keep you from knowing Jesus IS YOUR SAVIOUR.

    no.2 is to keep you from serving Jesus EFFECTIVELY.

    There is normaly multiples of them such as ("Pride" "Rebellion" "Anger" "Hate" "Lust" "Infirmity" "Murder" ) They have done this for thousands of years, They know all peoples tells, signs, and every weakness we have, they've seen it all. They will follow you, and wait for the precise moment of weakness to be alse to gain access.

    How they get in is due to sin (Commonly "Pride" then "Rebellion" usually of your parents), these were first 2 sins comitted by Satan against God). They are normally the two gate keepers for all of the others too.

    8 distinctive Symptoms that they are in ourselves or others:-

    1. Enticement. a sin is placed before you and they whisper "go on, do it, everyone else does and so on with encouragement)

    2. Harass. they study you, following you around looking for weakness. the second you fail they jump in.

    3. Torment. normally because you have been unforgiving of something. may be physical (infirmity), or mental (fear in some form) not necessarily because you have done something, can also be you think that others may think you have.

    4. Compel. (compulsive behaviours) Porn, Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Eating disorders, garrulity (excessive talkativeness, especially on trivial matters.).

    5. Enslave. you feel a drive to keep committing a particular sin, constant tickle to do it, Even TV. (4 + 5) = (Addiction).

    6. Defile. (making you feel dirty and unclean, unworthy) words, pictures, or videos pop into your head.

    7. Deceive. (deception, lies, normally caused by PRIDE)

    8. Weaken. Make you weak, Make you sick. make you tired. make you kill.


    8. Areas they attack:-

    1. Emotions and Attitudes. (collectives of them, more than one, each opening the door for another).

    negatives such as, Anger, Depression, Self pity, Fear, Hate, Misery, Pride, Jealousy, Resentment, Rejection, Despair, Loneliness, a very long list excluding a lot more. any one when it continues allows others to follow and come in.

    2. Mind. such as Doubt, Unbelief, Confusion, Indecision, Depression, Insanity. (people that have been dabbling in the occult normally always have confusion)

    3. Tongue. Lying, Criticism, Gossip, Exaggeration, Blasphemy, Filthy speech, Negative talking, and so on.

    4. Sex. (not evil when done in a loving marriage) compulsive sexual acts, Masturbation, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Bi, LBGTQ, Adultery, Fornication, Effeminacy, Trans, Cross dressing, Drag.

    5. Lusts.

    There is only one way to get them out (prayer or prayer and fasting), and one million ways to let them in. remove ALL sinful objects from your home (occult, porn, drugs, and such). Fast for 3 days WITHOUT SINNING. On the third evening, run a bath and follow these steps, asking God in the following way doing this. "Dear Father who is in heaven, please Lord bless this water by the power of your amazing son Jesus Christ, may it clense me, and deliver me, from all unclean spirits and demons, let it fill me with your holy spirit by his power, Amen". Then splash the water over your head 3 times saying, "in the name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit". Lay in bath for 15-20 minutes and come out a new, filled with His Holy spirit. It is then imperative that you then follow the law (10 commandments) Implicitly, this is how they got in and how you avoid letting them back in. No different than cutting out food you ingested that was poisoning your life.

    How they leave, a breath, wind (farts & burps), or vomiting (even when you are not actually expelling a food or fuid) through our orifices.

    FINAL WARNING… after doing this i still had at least two left, those being the first two that entered in, (PRIDE), and (REBELLION)! I belive those two are gate keepers for others also. continuing to follow the law will cause them to leave within a couple of weeks through boredom at not being satisfied, they will leave to find a new host. Now that you are clean and following the law, were you to be foolish enough to break a commandment, you then open yourself up to for 7 far worse unclean spirits (whisperers). (Matthew 12:43-45)

    when you are ready, and wish for your pain to stop, READ AGAIN. Complete all of the steps.

    I am not sure of the correlation yet i see, and feel there is one in the number 3, that being Jonas was in a whale for 3 days, Jesus was in the tomb for 3 days. Jesus was lost to his parents for 3 days. so 3 days until found and renewed. The number 3 biblically represents divine wholeness, completeness and perfection. The number 3 was used to put a divine stamp of completion or fulfilment on the subject. (Corinthians 5:17)(Matthew 12:40) (Luke 24:46–47)(Corinthians 15:4) (Luke 2:46)


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