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Artwork/Illustrations by
Douglas Deri (artstation.com/douglasderi)
Karlo Lottersberger (artstation.com/karlottersberger)
Animation by
Michael Merc (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoBn…)
Music by
Graham Plowman: http://www.grahamplowman.com
Derek/Brandon Fietcher: https://bit.ly/3e8gJw7
#BookofEnoch #Enoch #Abel
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Are the fallen angels buried underneath Antarctica?
I thought that when one died they automatically went to our father, but now you say our souls will be called up later. What?! Sorry I don't get it
The place you are describeing is known as abrahams bosom. The place where the souls of men where kept until the the Lamb of God, was judged. Took on the sins of the world despite His innosence, died on the cross was buried descended to this place and took the keys (authority) of hell and death, revealed Himself and rose again and freed the souls in the first ressurection. The revealing was Gods redemption Story of Mankind through the Son of God. If anyone reads in the Gospels and the Epistles they refrenced this. The cannonisation of the Bible was a man orchestrated event. Keep that in mind. Not even the Apostles where responsible for that. Yet they knew the History handed down by their forefathers and the Prophets. Jesus often referrenced these writings and the Truth. The book of Enoch is this explanation of Abrahams Bosom and Gods plan for redemption. In Genesis when God confronted Cain, He said, where is your brother for his blood cries out to me from the ground or (earth). Abel had no seed to carry on his lineage , his life was cut short through his brothers murdering him. Therefore in righteous indignation He cries out for Gods rightous judgement. Which God did judge Cain and the whole Earth by the flood. Except for Noah and his family. In which was from the line of Seth. Who Adam and Eve bore and took comfort after Cain slaying Abel. In those days lineage was extremely important to hand down blessing, and inheritance. Heritage was very important to be handed down to lineage. This was after the Fall of man. For man knew the difference between Good (Godliness) and Evil that which is unGodly and goes against God the Creator a d His intended Order. Remember God said Im the Alpha and Omega , the beginning and the End. He knows what He is doing and is righteous in all things.
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