Join us tonight on the Midnight Ride (Live Every Saturday Night: 11 EST, 10 CST, 9 MST, 8 PST) w/ Jon Pounders and David Carrico.
Is it possible to give Demons and other non-human entities power? Are supernatural occurrences and eyewitness acounts becoming more common? If so, what can we do to keep ourselves from being victim?
Topics discussed:
Technology and demonic energy
UFO and Alien Abductions
Genetic Engineering
Spiritual Healing
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Admiral Byrd is kind of a hero!
I believe there's going to be a rising up the Winds of Change Is Coming we might have to make it through this year and I hope and now God is draining the and I believe there's going to be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the whole world it's going to be their last chance to turn to Christ I know this is my third post but I got to say I need a Christian person that said what has aliens ever done to us they don't study they don't learn they don't understand those are demons then they go and say what's the miracle in that changing water to wine first you have to understand the one of the vine is not the fermented wine after it sits that is actually fermented wine so that's why it's a wedding they said usually they serve the good ones first and so people are getting drunk while they're eating they want to get drunk afterwards you know the old one for last people need to get into some good Bible believer teachers that teach you deep in the Bible not just know where the stories or some scriptures I love to seek and study that kind of stuff and you guys feel stuff into two and you say things that I say also I say Amen We Are One mind one body but the girl that said about the wine at the wedding Water to Wine what's the miracle in that I said can you just take water without nothing and make grape juice like a leftist I got no response other Christians that are way up in the world you know I said they were going to take the vaccine but all they love football and their grandsons in football so they can watch the games oh she just had to take the vaccine or they wouldn't let her go then if she had waited I mean God will work it out and look you know they're not bugging us that vaccines people come over the Border they didn't need vaccines people finding their country didn't need vaccines I didn't take the vaccine I don't trust the world today because that's what was going on the road started out trust in the world you know like everything's good and Rosie and wholesome cuz it got worse and worse and worse control more laws more rules more rules more rules more suppression under the boot I like the short clip that the Dana Carvey and David Spade they did a funny thing mocking DrFauci I have to say I enjoyed the humor and it's really good I might have tweeted it I'm doing now say I might have X it but it was all true so if you find it😂