If you are new, please see this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKSIiroBiO2cYVMupPFjuJqtVHAU15SoH
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Our Music (Simply Prodigal) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKSIiroBiO2f9flr2gT_FWHlE4ZBmBR82
2021-2025 Feast Day Calendar PDF: https://parableofthevineyard.com/wp-content/uploads/POTV-CALENDAR-21-25-update.pdf
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I don't see obedience in your gatherings in the feasts of Yahu'ah….
Sorry can't hear much. Bye
Agree I find no matter what the volume is too low. Turn the mic on or up please. God bless