Numbers 8 – 12 – Dramatized Audio – Beha’alotcha – The Word Audio (Cepher) ForYouTube

A dramatized reading of the CEPHER. Torah Portion Week 36 – Beha’alotcha

Numbers 8 – 12

#numbers #audiobible #Cepher

Adam Fink

Male Dramatization:
Jake Grant, Adam Fink

Female Dramatization:
Ciara Grant, Victoria Young

*Some words have been re-translated from the Cepher, example — Firmament instead of expanse.

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1 Comment

  1. REMEMBER the Sabbath day to keep it holy. WHY REMEMBER ON ONLY THIS COMMANDMENT??? Exodus20v8
    Is FOR ALL MY PEOPLE. Isaiah56
    See The FOUNTAIN OF WATER. Genesys2v1 to7 parallel with Revelation14v7-12-13
    The Alpha and the Omega, the first book and the last.

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