Midnight Ride Special: The Serpent Tribe of Dan and the End Times ForYouTube

Join us tonight on the Midnight Ride (Live Every Saturday Night: 11 EST, 10 CST, 9 MST, 8 PST) w/ Jon Pounders and David Carrico.

Why is the Tribe of Dan not mentioned as one of the tribes in the Kingdom? Why is Dan called a Serpent in the Path? Join us tonight as we explore this topic and how it relates to the world we currently live in.

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  1. Both men and women connected to the lineage of the true Royal bloodline are aware of who they are. Because our abilities are directly from God. We don't need to sacrifice anything nor use any tools. The vessel "our body "God gave us is all we need. Pure is our heart body mind and soul. Nothing goes unseen God sees everything and is the only judge not humans❤

  2. Why lie??? The lord Yahawasha will be back for the LOST TRIBE OF ISRAEL!!! There’s no scripture that says he’s coming back for a Christian who’s never been enslaved and never been scattered to the 4 corners of the EARTH!!!! Stop the lies HEATHENS 😪

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