Thank you for joining us for a continuation of the series Ask Me Anything with Dr. Joye Pugh, Author of the Beguiled: Eden to Armageddon Trilogy, Eden: the Knowledge of Good and Evil 666 Volumes I & II, Antichrist: Cloned Image of Jesus Christ, and Parables of Joye.
BEAST MARK: End of Days – Breaching the Pineal Gland
BEAST MARK: End of Days – Breaching the Pineal Gland
Dr Joye’s books are available at:
To keep up with Dr. Joye’s radio shows please visit:
This series is hosted by Joy Yoo Garcia of and
Learn more about Dr. Joye’s work at
NOTE: We are not medical professionals and all thoughts shared on this program are solely the view of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Zen Garcia.
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You cannot believe anything coming out of DC. Nuthin
Bless my father's family! I pray great protection on y'all! Pray his strength, his wisdom, and for all us to know his great love, for we all fall short, but to know daddy above, is his endearment, his treat, and may we walk in that, also. I am so GREATFUL for GARCIA FAMILY, and the ones that visit, fellowship, and come here, for y'all are the Kingdom folk. Thanks all people that are there fathers, son, and daughters. Protection, Grace, strength, wisdom, and his favor/ grace. Our DADDY BLESSED
This has been bothering me. Any thoughts welcome! I have seen much, yet I'm in repentance with my daddy. For somethings that had happened to me.
What does it mean for SPIRIT FILLED ONES, ON EARTH NOW?
What then for his spirit will not remain? Is that for those that did not know him? Or is it for us as well? That do know him????