This is The Strangest True Crime Story on YouTube
True Crime at its most strange..
They’re Lying to You About The Alien Attack in Peru – High Strangeness in Peru. Something Strange is Happening in the Deepest Jungles on Earth. There is a tiny village in peru, on the edge of the amazon jungle, that has been experiencing some very dark events, And the majority of the world is blissfully unaware of the horrors that are happening in plain sight. High Strangeness has become high Danger for the people in the Jungle.
in this video i sit down with Author, Explorer and UFOlogist Timothy Alberino, and ask him to explain this ongoing mystery.
High Strangeness in the Deepest Jungles on Earth
Mainstream News Media is Afraid of this News Story
They’re Lying to You About The Alien Attack in Peru
Timothy Alberino’s FULL report on his expedition to Peru
Thanks for watching!
God Bless you all!!!!
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I believe there is technology much more advanced than what the general population is allowed to be made aware of. My dad was in the U.S. Aif Force and told me about technology that was going to be available in the future. I'm 67, and he told me when I was around 9 years old that we would be video calling, have smart phones and watches, etc. some day.
We are at the end times Jesus is coming soon
It's very obvious These people and entities are trying to scare This Tribe off of their land I can't imagine living like these people it's heartbreaking they have to look over their shoulder 24/7 that's no way to liveCartels are known to be satanic _satan worshippers In Mexico it's well-known black magic is A Very big problem over there Especially with the cartel doing sacrifices A regular basis So most likely the cartel in Peru is doing the same exact things as the Mexican cartels I don't know about Peru but in Mexico satan worship is becoming more and more popular Are pentagrams and Other satanic symbols spray painted all over the place In Mexico These cartels all over the world have billions of dollars It would be no problem for them They could easily Find A rebel group that are highly trained militarily for hire That have advanced technology I'm not ruling out demonic entities being involved in the situation either since as I said these cartels are satan worshippers Unfortunately these satanic entities demons Are seen Even working with the United States military And we all know Beyond ta shadow of a doubt there's a lot of people in the military and in the government who do worship satan Jack Parson is the perfect example Back in the 80s there was a military Doctor on Oprah Winfrey everybody knows him he's a child molester He was sitting on Oprah Winfrey just openly talking about him being a satanist and a doctor in the military I'm probably wrong but I think his name is Michael CremoI forget his name But it's very obvious satanic worship is infiltrated everywhere The cartel obviously wants Their land for some reason And they're trying to scare the people off the land The kidnapping attempts are obviously Done on purpose they had no intention of kidnapping these people or else they would have