This is the Week 1 of Joshua portion – Chazak v’ematz – with related studies from Torah, Prophets and New Testament.
Please visit Virtual House Church page for more material and studies:
Links to some of the things we discussed:
Dictionary of Scripture Names:…
Leviticus 26, Ezekiel 4 and the Fullness of the Gentiles:…
Other stuff to consider:
Redeeming the Bride:
Identity Crisis:
The Lost Sheep:
The Error of Dispensationalism:
Nailed to the Cross:
If you’ve been blessed by these studies, please consider supporting Rob’s ministry efforts:
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Anyone know the name of the song in the beginning?
If we all would just open our hearts and listen to those who understand the count of days to the Appointed Times and how Chanok explained the Solar start to the year, completely separate from the Lunar, Gregorian or Babylonian religious calendars, then we would have 364 days only and 12 months in iYaHUaH’s count and the pause to wait for the start according to the Equinox.
Then we might all celebrate the Festivals together, and not splintered because of religious doctrines.
Seek The RUaCh of Truth and of Wisdom and open your senses, then listen to reason, not unlike understanding the Names, and find togetherness.