Catching up with Andy Hoy on his circular dome tent model of Israel’s Tabernacle in the wilderness and where he is now with his project.
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Catching up with Andy Hoy on his circular dome tent model of Israel’s Tabernacle in the wilderness and where he is now with his project.
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I think it's pretty amazing, how so many nomadic people of today…currently use a round "teepee like" setup to actually live in. I wonder where their knowledge of building their living structures came from???!!! This was an awesome teaching!! Thank you for sharing your tabernacle knowledge with us!! God bless your work!! ❤❤🙏🙏
IF this is true then I wonder why the next two temple designs/builds were not round and why New Jerusalem's base shape is square (height, length, and width all equal with 3 doors on each side of the the walls) I'm not sold on the round shape yet and less so from someone who is selling the design/drawings of his ideas for such large sums of money. Something about that bothers me. When someone says you cant trust people or teachings that don't believe the shape is round (calling them unqualified because they don't even understand the basic design that he claims to be the right one) and then goes on to teach about what he says is the true design and meaning while offering to sell me the info (with a price range from about $50-$1000 dollars) I tend to doubt their intentions. That being said IF it was round then awesome, and if it wasn't round…awesome. May YHWH's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven and may His name be glorified in all things forever.
i like you Rob; im not a fan of zen garcia. (Dont add to right.) Zen does. i cant find context for many of his ideas in the cannan OR extra biblical history books. For many reasons, i dont think i know he's dangerous. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing and he is not close to the truth of who God is and his ultimate end game agenda. I believe you are spot on with the understanding of the firmament. I would like to see you and others begin to break down the understanding of deut chapt. 28 beginning with verse 64 i think you will find a earth shattering truth that will make your heart melt. Then find obadiah prepare to be amazed, there are people who dont believe these UNITEF STATES are not found in scripture concerning end time escotology the book of obadiah shatters that myth