Embark on a groundbreaking journey with author Zen Garcia and cohost Tim from The God Culture as we unveil the Levite Bible Series, a revolutionary exploration that challenges established paradigms and sheds light on the biblical treasures hidden in the sands of Qumran.
In this captivating livestream, you can expect:
Qumran Unveiled: Delve into the compelling evidence that positions Qumran as the Biblical Bethabara, the sacred site of Yahusha’s baptism, and the custodian of the ancient Bible Canon, including the underrated and enigmatic Dead Sea Scrolls.
Canon Confessions: Challenge the false paradigms surrounding terms like “Apocrypha” and “pseudepigrapha,” unraveling the historical context that led the Catholic Church to navigate away from the true Bible Canon.
Torah Test Method: Explore the innovative Torah Test method, empowering you to personally investigate and validate the biblical truths we’ll uncover.
Lost Books Revealed: Discover the 13 books excluded from our modern Canon, each holding valuable insights that have been marginalized throughout history.
Paradigm Shift: Engage in a thought-provoking discussion about the lost traditions, names of God, and historical shifts that have shaped our understanding of the sacred scriptures.
Join us live for this eye-opening premiere, and be part of the conversation that challenges conventional wisdom. The Levite Bible Series promises to revolutionize your perspective on biblical history. Don’t miss out—participate in the live Q&A session to interact with Zen Garcia, Tim, and our global community of truth-seekers. Together, let’s unlock the hidden truths of the Bible and redefine our understanding of sacred scripture. #LeviteBibleSeries #BiblicalHistory #QumranRevelations
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What tim and Zen doesn't understand is that preterist are saying not all of the events of revelation happened. The timeline is after the millenial reign is the second resurrection and now we are at Satan's little Season. The things which will come to pass is Satan deceiving the nations to gather them with Gog and Magog to battle and encircle the Camp of The Saints, but God will intervene and let fire come down from heaven the defeat Satan and his armies, And Satan will be cast to hell where the Falls Prophet and Anti-Christ are. Meaning the Anti-Christ and False Prophet were already in hell. Meaning sometime before all the Gog and Magog event they already exist and were already punished. John already said they were in the tribulation..and you know what comes after tribulation…
Revelation 1:9
I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Jesus even said that Generation will see him coming on the clouds of Heaven. even those who pierced him. He comes soon,… and soon is not 2,000 years after.